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Recovery and Performance

IV Treatment

Special blend of vitamins and minerals designed for:

Boost Energy
Muscle Growth
Recover Faster

1hr infusion for $170

Ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex, Amino Acids, Mineral Blend and Glutathione


Recover Faster, Perform Better and Grow Stronger


As an athlete you push your body to the limit. Whether it's training for a marathon, hitting that extra 60 seconds of burpees at CrossFit or riding just one step higher resistance in spin class your body is always there, taking the toll. Intense workouts deplete hydration, break down muscle mass and work your system into overdrive. That's where our Recovery and Performance IV comes in. Our specialized blend of Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, Amino Acids, Minerals and Glutathione is designed to keep yourself operating at peak efficiency while training and help your body recover faster when at rest.


Improve endurance, increase your metabolism, restore your energy levels and get the hydration you need with the Recovery and Performance IV. We offer individual IV drips or discounted bundled packages of 3x, 5x or 10x for the athlete needing more than just a one off treatment.


Book today or feel free to reach out to us directly if you have any questions: (855) 258-0325


1hr infusion for $170

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